Aggiornamento firmware per l’N96 (anche brand H3G?)

di Fabrizio Castagnotto

E’ da poche ore disponibile il nuovo firmware per chi ha un Nokia N96. L’ultimo possibile per i  possessori del brand 3 risale allo scorso novembre (11.101) mentre i no brand hanno potuto installare anche la versione 12.043 con delle limitazioni però nell’uso dei servizi offerti da H3G.

L’aggiornamento si è reso necessario visto che in tanti hanno riscontrato problemi di stabilità, ci si augura che questa volta non si debba attendere così tanto tempo per un terminale, ricordiamolo, dal valore in acquisto molto vicino al milione e mezzo delle vecchie lire.

Piccole informazioni per chi dovesse per la prima volta cimentarsi con l’aggiornamento. E’ assolutamente consigliato fare una copia di backup tramite il Nokia Pc Suite per evitare di perdere i dati presenti in caso di problemi; fatto questo si procede con l’aggiornamento sempre con lo stesso software.

Cosa è cambia con il nuovo firmware? Qui di seguito una lista completa in lingua inglese grazie al sito

New features:

– Nokia Email client and Mail for Exchange (MfE) preloaded (User will install and configure email clients with the help of Settings Wizard)
– Settings Wizard 5.0: offers improvements for Nokia Email and MfE setup
– Active Standby Email Plug-in: showing new email messages on Active Standby screen

Look & Feel:
– Support for Audio Themes: configurable sounds for various events e.g. opening/closing slide, battery low etc
– Setting to allow a slideshow to be used as wallpaper
– Slide handling: Setting to allow user to configure effect opening/closing the slide has on a call and keylock

– WiFi Protected Setup is now supported, allowing simplified setup of WLAN security with a supported WLAN access point
– Support of IAD (Independent Application Delivery): Allows certain applications to be updated independently over the air.

– Correction for occasional CMLA (Content Management License Administrator) certificate corruption. (These certificates are needed for e.g. Mobile TV and N-Gage license purchases)

Energy management:
– Shorter lights/screen timeout when lockswitch activated. Backlight dims as soon as keylock is enabled
– Media Keys surrounding the rocker key lit only if a media application is open
– Right Softkey changed from “Hide” to “Exit” for Music Player for EM savings

– A number of improvements made to the Camera image quality
– The device SW version information is now stored in the image MetaData
– Default recording quality for video is changed from ‘TV normal’ to TV high’.
– Noise reduction of recorded videos

– New version of Music player: Performance and “Comes With Music”-related improvements.
– FlashLite update for improved YouTube compatibility – improvements in rendering of Flash Video
– General Media player &streaming related usability & performance improvements
– OMA DRM v2 content can use device clock if no secure clock (i.e. NITZ) is available

– Empty bookmark folders removed from Browser bookmarks (i.e. the “Download…” folders)
– Link to is included in Browser bookmarks

– Vibra enabled when charging
– When gaming in landscape mode, stereo audio will be played through correct speakers
– Updated Themes
– Slide triggered keyguard activation: When closing the slide, pressing any key within 2 seconds will result in keylock not being activated
– Several error corrections based on Care and operator feedback
– Several application baseline updates

Known issues:

*#7370# is not working properly with this SW release
Resetting the device and formatting C-drive with *#7370# is not working properly with this SW release and can result to unstable operation of the device. It is not recommended to use *#7370# at any situation. In case reset and C-drive format is really wanted, it can be done by holding down green dial key, star (*) key and number three (3) key, when switching the device on from power key. Hold down all three keys until Nokia welcome animation is showed.

NSU update can cause device to reset randomly when updating to this SW release
NSU update can cause the device to randomly reset after the update. Switching the device off manually from power button will recover the device from the problem. The problem is caused by DRAM corruption in final boot during the update. This doesn’t affect the SW update itself and after manual reboot device works fine.

Riuscirà una casa collaudata ed esperiente come Nokia a non avere i problemi di gioventù che hanno segnato questo terminale magari nel prossimo N97?

Aggiornamento 8/5/2009: Alcune segnalazioni nel nostro forum dedicato a Nokia ci avevano fatto erroneamente ritenere che il firmware fosse disponibile anche per i Nokia N96 brand 3 Italia. Purtroppo, invece, in questo momento non è possibile aggiornare gli N96 distribuiti da H3G.